New design, new book, renewed resolution

 Most of you looking at this blog closely will notice that I have been extremely sporadic about posting the last, well, 10 years. A lot of this had to do with the demise of blogs—and thinking no one was actually reading it. Many people have gravitated toward Substacks, but I'm lukewarm on that platform. It always feels as though there's pressure to pay to read and I just don't want that many alerts to new content in my email—and I think other people feel the same way I do.

So, I've decided to revive this free blog.

I've had my website redesigned, and I've redesigned the blog as well, determined to be more of a consistent presence. I am going to post news about my books, what I'm working on, and what I'm reading. 

I'll start this new era by talking about An Inconvenient Wife, the first in my Modern Tudor Mysteries published by Pegasus Crime almost a year ago now. I have posted about writing that book and finally getting a publishing contract. I did a mini book tour and have also gotten to be "in conversation" with other terrific writers. It's been a busy year, but a lot of fun. I have also finally just finished the sequel to An Inconvenient Wife and submitted it to the publisher.

A Defiant Woman starts about two months after  An Inconvenient Wife ends, and while it is still a retelling of Henry VIII and his wives, this book stretches the story outside the lines of history a bit further. It is more a "what if" story: What if Nan Tudor (Anne Boleyn) did not die, but is living in France with her son and is lured back to the scene of the crime, so to speak, by the kidnapping of her daughter Lizzie. Hank Tudor's sixth wife, Kate Parker, and his fourth wife, Anna Klein are also part of this story—and Catherine Tudor, Hank's first wife, is still hellbent on revenge. 

I am really excited to be continuing the stories of these women, and I can't wait to share it with everyone. However, because publishing is publishing, it will not be available until March 2026—so, another year. But I promise it will be worth the wait!

In the meantime, I will be posting more frequently, and hopefully someone out there will be reading!


Vicki lane said…
I really enjoyed AIW and look forward to this next one!
Karen Olson said…
Thank you Vicki! It was a bear to write—even though I "knew" the characters—but I'm really happy with how it turned out. Can't wait to see it out in the world!

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