INK FLAMINGOS launches today!

So today's the day. INK FLAMINGOS hits the shelves—and all those e-readers out there.

It's a little bittersweet. It's the fourth and last of my tattoo shop mystery series. I'm really happy with the book, in fact, I think it's my favorite in this series. I take Brett places she hasn't been before, I give her more challenges. I leave her in a place that, if she makes the right choices, could lead to a lot of happiness. It's a fitting end to the series.

I have a lot of people emailing me, telling me they love the series and would love to see it continue. There are two things going on here. First, the publisher has not extended my contract. Second, I'm done with the series. I think four books is perfectly fine for a cozy, amateur sleuth mystery series. Sometimes I have issues with those cozy series that go on and on and on, and I wonder why the amateur sleuth doesn't decide to move out of town, disappear for a while because once you've got dead bodies piling up in your life, I'd think you'd get a real complex about it. I know Brett does. That's why this has to be the last one. She's done. Done with solving crimes. She's onto bigger and better things in her life.

I hope you'll check out the book. It's a fun, fast read and Brett is dodging tattoo bloggers and stalkers. The plot is intensely personal for her.

Click here and you can order the book, either in print or download it into your e-device. I haven't made that e-move yet, but that's another blog post.

Enjoy the book!!


Anonymous said…
You are always at your best when it comes down to the final book of a series. (SHOT GIRL was amazing, too.) INK FLAMINGOS is a fitting end to Brett's (mis)adventures--and the perfect summer read! Well done, Karen.

K.C. Shaw said…
Happy bookday! I grabbed my copy first thing, read it totally-not-at-work-of-course-not, and loved it! It's an excellent book and a satisfying end to the series.
becky hutchison said…
Congrats, Karen! I'm one of those who would like to see the series continue, but I understand the reluctance to impose the Jessica Fletcher syndrome onto your fans. Good luck on sales. It's another wonderful cover!!!

(Hey, how's the YA book coming along?)
Elisabeth said…
Ok, ok, I can live with the series ending, but only if you'll promise to write *something* for me to read. Another mystery of any kind would be my first choice. Thank you so much for all you've done so far. I've loved every one of them.
Monica said…
Would love to see this series made into some sort of movie or somehow on screen, to see your descriptions of the characters and places they go.
Anonymous said…
i was wondering why there was no preview for the next book after this one ended. i am very disappointed to read that the series is over. this is one of the more interesting characters and settings in the cozy genre. everything about the characters was unique and fun. oh well :-( but i am going to vegas next week so i'll just have my own adventures :-)
Mrs Moser said…
I just found your series from the on-line half of my library. I have read all 4 books in a day each. I was SO looking forward to another book, especially to see what REALLY happens with Brett & Coleman. Very disappointed to find out the series is finished. I have told many of my book loving friends to read it, cause its a laugh-out-loud-who-dun-it book.
I'll have to check out the other series you wrote and go from there.
Happy writing! (& your publisher needs to rethink your contract)
Anonymous said…
I was so disappointed to read that you are not going to continue this series. I think your publisher really needs to rethink not extending your contract as I think they are making a huge mistake. I felt like we were just getting to really know the characters in the book and then it comes to an end, that we were sort of left hanging.... Also, not all mystery's have to involve dead bodies...I think Brett had a real knack for solving mysteries and knew it and could have been the tattoo artsist by day PI by night.....I think you could have done alot with it and I am sad to see you let it go.

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